IVSC is delighted to announce the appointment of four new international experts to its Standards Review Board (SRB). The SRB is responsible for overseeing the work of all the IVSC’s technical boards and is widely regarded as a leading authority on the development and promulgation of International Valuation Standards (IVS), which are used in more than 100 countries.
The new board members bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise from a range of fields, including real estate, finance, and accounting. They will play a key role in ensuring the IVS remain relevant and up-to-date in a rapidly changing market environment.
”We are thrilled to welcome these internationally regarded experts to the SRB. Their appointment will further enhance the board's ability to provide robust and independent oversight of the IVSC's technical work, and to ensure that the IVS continue to set the benchmark for valuation practice around the world.
Susan du RossChair, IVSC Standards Review Board

The new board members are Matt Clark (Managing Director, Stout, United States), José Covas (Head of European Valuations, AURA REE, Portugal), Susann Ihlau (Managing Partner, Mazars, Germany), and Sandra Mossios (Partner, EY, UK). They will take up their roles on the SRB from 1 April 2023 on an initial three-year term.

Matt Clark

José Covas

Susann Ihlau

Sandra Mossios
The IVSC is committed to fostering the development of high-quality, transparent, and ethical valuation practices. The appointment of these new experts to the SRB is a testament to the IVSC’s continued commitment to this mission.
In April, the SRB will publish an Exposure Draft outlining proposed updates to the International Valuation Standards. The consultation, which will run for 12-weeks, will seek feedback on changes including new standards on ‘data and inputs’ and explicit references to ‘ESG’ within the valuation process. An updated version of IVS is expected to be published in 2024.
The Board is also pleased to announce that Ian Jedlin has been appointed as Vice Chair of the SRB, following the appointment of Susan DuRoss as Chair in January. Ian, who is a Managing Director with Kroll, based in Sydney, Australia, has been a member of the Board since 2017 and will continue to provide leadership to the Board throughout the remainder of his term.